Annet Gelink Gallery – Gallery for Contemporary Art


Corporate Identity




Annet Gelink Gallery





design notes

Characteristic for this young gallery is its focus on young artists who use different media to express their ideas. Gabriele Götz designed a corporate identity with a few striking elements:

A corporate image which is distinguishable yet adoptable and almost neutral. The identity is submitted to the work of the individual artist, which shows that the gallery wants to be a stage to the artistColour, name and bar are consistent elements but their design and use are variable.

There is a distinction between 2 sorts of exhibitions: the bakery for débutants and the main gallery for the other artists. Therefore in the invitation a differentiation is needed. But both invitations are an integrated part of one another. The invitations make consistent use of different elements (lines, numbers, typography, text on one site image on the other, the bakery: text is integrated with the image) yet each time they are different.

Annet Gelink Gallery